Compilation - 1992 General Election Materials

Compilation - 1992 General Election Materials

Video - 1992 Bush Ads
Video - 1992 Clinton Ads
Video - 1992 Perot Ads
Video - CBS News, October 29, 1992
Video - CBS News, November 2, 1992, Part 1
Video - CBS News, November 2, 1992, Part 2
Image - 1992 George H. W. Bush Campaign 4
Image - 1992 George H. W. Bush Campaign 1
Image - 1992 George H. W. Bush Campaign 2
Image - 1992 George H. W. Bush Campaign 3
Image - 1992 Clinton Campaign 1
Image - 1992 Clinton Campaign 2
Document - October 26, 1992, Report Transcript
Document - 1992 Campaign Memos
Document - Coverage Time Line
Document - Election Final Phase
Document - Political Notes
Document - Bush and Clinton on the Issues
Document - Clinton and Gore on the Issues
Document - Feisty Insiders
Document - Thoughts on Bush
Document - Cook Political Report
Document - Overview
Document - Presidential Candidates
Document - NYTimes Article
Document - Broadcasting Article
Document - Wash. Post Article